2009-07-16-18 AT – Spital am Semmering

Amon Amarth - Einherjer - Belphegor - Thyrfing - Absu - Evocation - Lividity - Sanguis - Parental Advisory - Scared To Death - Ultrawurscht - Infer - Thytopia - Stockholm Syndrom

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EVOCATION – that’s the way Death Metal has to be
We opened the musical day primal at dinner time, because of very heavy rainfall during the afternoon. Old School Death Metal was a very good idea to start the evening. Catchy and rhythmic music, which is far away from monotony, was the basis for enthused head-banging. Sometimes I raised my fist to the sky because of hymns like Feed The Fire with an egregious mixture of clearly structured chord massacres and dynamic melodies, which added some calm moments. What a nice musical opener!

ABSU – complexness got a name
The next 50 minutes were embossed by dodgy music and neck-breaking drum escapades. Drummer Proscriptor let off steam and enthused the crowd continuously. All fans are used to it, although the latest album comes across in partly easy to get aware catchiness. The Thrash-like track Amy had the best impact concerning activity among the visitors. The extremely intense music demanded a lot of concentration – it is easy to get thrown to the floor because of the hard-to-take attitude.

THYRFING – formidable anthems for heart and mind
Jens Ryden is a real lucky punch for THYRFING! It is clear that the hymnal music gleams through mighty melodies and downright catchiness without an exaggerated pathos…but the former Naglfar singer crowned the show! This musician got an exceptional gifted voice and an inimitable repertoire of intense gestures as well as expressive mimic, which fascinated from the beginning. Optically, the band showed up adequately smeared ;) and therefore nothing could go wrong. The most outstanding song Mjölner left a lasting mark like a hammer. This is the perfect symbiosis of melody, sentiments and presentation – felicitous by all means and one of the festival’s winners!

BELPHEGOR – Hellmuth’s vocabulary is developable
A while later, the complete counterpart concerning artistic claim followed – the noble rednecks from Salzburg entered the stage. Singer Hellmuth should have kept at English words, but he made the numerous crowds happy with accustomed German announcements free of sense. Well, in contrast, the music is really ambitious and variable from time to time. The guys got aware of the fact, that speed is not the only thing that counts. Therefore groovy passages break the cudgeling and attach zest to the compositions. Hint of the day: let the music do the talking!

EINHERJER – we do not move a lot, but we move the listeners
I did not see much agitation on stage during the EINHERJER concert, but anthems like Dragons Of The North or Far Far North do not need big gestures. The introvert performance appeared in charming way little by little and therefore I was abducted by a maelstrom of bacchanal moods. Interim, the Norsemen conjured thoughtful sentiments on the listeners’ faces with the help of acoustic guitars. In the end, good temper including nostalgic gleaming of the eyes prevailed.

AMON AMARTH – oftentimes seen, never regretted
It is only a simple trick: AMON AMARTH placed two platforms on stage, on which the musicians posed until hell freezes…consequently they made an enormous mighty impression. Synchronic head-banging, tactful swaying of guitars and strong songs guarantee for an intense, but also analogical concert experience. Death In Fire and Victorious March are outstanding jewels, but also anthems, which are not that old like Pursuit Of Vikings could get classic status in near future. Also the actual tracks like Twilight Of The Thunder God or Guardians Of Asgaard are not off-target at all. Singer Johan Hegg was very satisfied to see such a number of supporters that late in the night and smiled whimsically from time to time. The before mentioned Death In Fire ended the KALTENBACH OPEN AIR with a hammering blast in condign manner.


story & pics © Leo & Julia