[:SITD:] – Rot
Label: Accession Records
Release: October 30 2009
By: Psycho
Rating: 9/10
Time: 54:46
Style: EBM

Lo and behold! As I found that these likeable guys known as [:SITD:] had been weakening during their last releases, they not only manage to tie in with the heydays, they even top them with Rot! Regarding compositions it seems like the trio orientates itself on its own roots. Same for the sound, which goes much more in a classic EBM direction: pounding, with low-tuned rhythm patterns and hellacious running into your legs. Above new influences accent melodic phrasings and coalesce to an almost irresistible Electro brew. Simple but effective!
But [:SITD:] make it easy to like Rot. After a short intro one crusher follows the next. Midtempo-paced smashhit Catharsis clarifies the direction of the entire record but also possesses an utmost catchy refrain; it cannot go any wrong! The title-track again focuses on speed, while the following Stigmata Of Jesus turns out to be more experimental and scores with its intensive and menacing atmosphere. Zodiac at the end, could have been placed just as well on the Gods Of Hell CD ov The Retrosic: harsh but danceable and varied EBM at the highest stage!
So far the maximum rating comes to reach, but… it follows a good but lengthy instrumental, and with Redemption, a more melodic (but not coz of that), slightly weaker track, quasi the breather on Rot, for the second half. [:SITD:] then again prove, that they have more to offer. Frontal shines less with its stoic rhythm but rather with its sharp-tongued lyrics against the ongoing process of governmental surveillance. Pharmakon reminds me somehow on “Ich bin der neue Gott” by Oomph, although the basic melodies are not even similar. Chance or intention? I admittedly tend to the latter one, whereas I consider this song more as a (well-done) homage instead of a pure copy.
With MK Ultra once again quieter tunes get struck, before Destination fades Rot out gently. Lyrics are, as usual, pretty interesting and differ mostly from what you get to hear elsewise in this scene.
Summing up I’d say that I hold the best [:SITD:] album so far in my hands, although there are some minor things to nag about. Rot scores 9 points, a must-buy item!