WRACK – Gram und gleißende Wut
Label: Autumnsouls
Release: June 5 2010
By: Dajana
Rating: 8/10
Time: 64:41
Style: Black Metal
URL: Wrack

Founded back in 2005 and with one demo CD under their belt, the duo Wishbone and Grabestau, known as WRACK, now releases its debut album entitled Gram und gleißende Wut (translated to: Grief And Glistering Rage). WRACK combines what once put me under the spell: gloomy and apocalyptic Black Metal as made by Void Of Silence (Criteria ov 666) and Black Metal art as known from Agrypnie, I especially sense out during the track Rot. Also references to Helrunar and, regarding guitar work, Negura Bunget might be drawn. Exactly that kind of Black Metal fair I fall for ;)
A nightmarish Industrial-tinged intro (Chaos regiert) opens Gram und gleißende Wut, followed by five epic compositions running from at least 8 up to 18 minutes, giving free rein to desperation, where bitterly cold souls freeze warm human blood and “mind slashes flesh”. It’s a dissection of the abysmal depths of humanity, and these abysses are deep. Haunting!
On this record WRACK don’t lose themselves in hysterical furiousness, neither in singing nor in speed, although such musical concept would already demand such approach. WRACK keep it restrained, subtle, focus on atmosphere and variety. But they nevertheless know how to accelerate to the max to add aggression when needed. And again I have to point out Rot as an example for the band’s varied style of composing. Rot shines with its melodies, hauntingly beautiful guitar solos, and pace reduced till you want to call it Doom and now and then interspersed clear vocals.
When listening to Gram und gleißende Wut first time, one might get lost in its single tracks. But step by step the listener will discover where, when and how single parts and tracks get distinguished, and where the red thread runs through. It takes time and passion, but it’s worth the effort.
Gram und gleißende Wut surely leaves room for further developments and experiments. With good grace WRACK may replace occasionally used musical quotations of known idols with own innovative ideas. But it is a great first album, offering so much potential and creativity. They truly got me hooked!